December 11, 2013

Battle Lake Craft Sale

Last weekend was the craft sale in Battle Lake. What a great time! There were so many vendors with really wonderful things to sell. Even though the thermometer never hit '0' degrees, there was a great turnout of shoppers. I met so many really fun and interesting people. I didn't have time to look around very much, but I managed a few good trades for myself. I only spent $10 dollars, the rest was barter for yarn!

 I traded some yarn for this wonderful pair of really warm mittens at a booth called Wooly Paws . She makes mittens, hats and more from recycled items. The buttons, thread, wool, and fleece is all repurposed. She makes wonderful funky hats, too. She has been this for many years and has developed her own mitten pattern that is very comfortable. She will even make special orders from your own favorite old sweater! Check out the website.

I also found some of my favorite soaps lotions, salves and balms. I love this stuff! Wendy, from 'Wendy's Essentials' makes all kinds of wonderful products using essential oils and lots of really 'good for your skin' butters and oils. She makes lip balms and even little carrying cases for them! She spied a skein of multi-colored yarn I had when I was setting up. The next morning she brought me a sample of the little cases she makes made from my own yarn! I later got one of her lip balms to keep in it! Mmmm...lovely.  Wendy is also interested in learning to spin. She has a wheel but doesn't quite have the hang of it. We took a look at what she has and I helped her tie on a leader correctly and tried to give some pointers to get her started. Good luck, Wendy!

Another vendor, Stubborn Oaks Bath and Beauty also caught my eye, and my display. We traded yarn for some wonderful Lemongrass soap, (can't wait to use that!); a Lemongrass and Rosemary lotion bar and a couple other treasures.

There were many, many more kinds of things for sale as well. It was really fun to talk to the other vendors and learn about what they are doing. Their enthusiasm is contagious. Lots of knowledge and talent.  I am amazed by the amount of talent and creativity displayed.

I also enjoyed meeting the shoppers. There were people from the area and people from other places who were visiting. So many stories to hear! I love learning about other people  and sharing ideas. I think it helps me to keep my craft fresh. It is a great way to get feedback on what I am doing. People are interested in the spinning process and I enjoy explaining it to them and answering questions.

No more sales now for a while. The next event for me is a workshop on Wool Dyeing I will be presenting at Dakota Fiber Mill in Kindred, North Dakota. I will post more on that soon.

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