July 9, 2014

What's Up Wednesday...

It has been a while since I have posted anything.
I thought I would catch up. We went camping over the July 4th weekend. We visited family up near Bemidji, MN. Carolyn, my sister-in-law,  and I always take to the back roads and woods to see what's going on. These Lady Slippers were found in a ditch north of Bemidji, MN. There were hundreds of them!

We also found several meadows that were full of Yarrow, Birds Foot Treefoil and pink clover.
I took some video sweeps of the meadows. They were amazing to see.
Carolyn is also a gardener. She has an herb garden with a large amount of Comfrey, which she offered me a piece of, as well as leaves and stems to dye with. She also has some beautiful Hyssop that was in full bloom.

My nephew, John, and his wife Katy were there with their new baby, James. Here he is in a sweater I designed and knit from some hand spun alpaca/wool blend.
John and Katy live and teach school in a small village in Alaska. John brought me a box of moose antler to play with. I see buttons and who knows what else in that box!!!

On the home front, I have been busy spinning. I have several new yarns including the black alpaca spun with colored mohair locks. There is only a small amount, but it will work well with plain black to set it off.

I have also been blending dyed wool on the drum carder and creating some beautiful blended yarns. This latest is a base of walnut hull dyed wool with bits of other colors blended in. The neighbor boy, Nathan who is eight years old helped blend the

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