June 4, 2014

Another Run at Leafy Spurge

I had such wonderful results with leafy spurge last year that I decided to try it again this year. Here in West Central Minnesota, leafy spurge can be found in ditches. It is best to get away from farm fields because farmers have worked to obliterate this weed. It is considered a noxious weed here due to its ability to thrive and spread. It can still be found growing in clumps in grasses along the roadside. Leafy spurge come into flower just as the first flush of dandelions is going to seed.

This year I picked the whole plant. I then chopped the stalks into five inch pieces. I covered this with water in a large kettle. I boiled this for an hour and then shut the heat off and left it on the stove over night. The next morning I boiled the pot again for an hour and shut off the heat. This time I cooled the pot until it was very cool and the strained off the liquid. I pre-mordanted the wool yarn in alum. I then added it to the leafy spurge bath. I brought this to a good simmer for an hour and then let it steep until it was cool. I washed the newly-dyed yarn is wool wash and rinsed it until clear. Below are the stunning results.


  1. Very pretty! What weight is the yarn?

  2. The yarn is a light worsted-DK. The skeins are 200 yards (actual length is 210-220) and the weight is about 85 gr. I have 4 skeins at $17.50/skein.


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